Amazing images Events
Photo booth & Amusements
Terms of Service
Payment Information
Payments may be made by credit card, PayPal, cash, or money order. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to reserve the date.
The deposit is due and payable upon booking but must be received within a five (5) day courtesy period. Please Note: Deposits received after five (5) days are subject to return, rendering the event contract null and void since Amazing Images LLC has the option of booking elsewhere without obligation to any client whose deposit and signed contract are overdue beyond the 5 day courtesy period.
The balance of the contract is due five (5) days prior to the day of the event.
Amazing Images Mirror Photo Booth LLC agrees to have services operational for a minimum of 85% during the event period; occasionally, operations may need to be interrupted for maintenance of the photo booth or personal break, but is very rare.
The Client will arrange for an appropriate space for the Mirror Photo Booth at the event's venue. We require 10’ deep x 10’ wide x 8’ high level, stable, and temperature-controlled space. The Client is responsible for providing electrical power for the Amazing Images Photo Booth LLC equipment. The photo booth requires a 110V, 10amps, 3 prong outlet from a reliable power source within 50 feet (along a wall) of the setup area. The circuit must be free of all other connected loads. Any delay in the performance or damage to the photo booth equipment due to improper power is the responsibility of the Client.
If and when agreeable to the Client and Amazing Images Photo Booth LLC, the time of engagement may be extended at the pro-ratable overtime rate to be paid prior to the overtime period.
If Amazing Images Photo Booth LLC, the service provider, fails to appear at an event, cancels the engagement, succumbs to illness, or any other cause beyond the control of the service provider, a full refund will be awarded to the Client as specified above if a comparable service or substitution cannot be agreed upon.
Cancellation of the engagement by the Client WITHIN 60 DAYS of the date of engagement shall also require payment of the balance to the service provider, Amazing Images Photo Booth LLC unless the same service provider is rebooked by the Client for an open date within 30 days of the cancelled date. Payment of the balance will not be required if the service provider obtains a suitable substitute booking elsewhere, or if cancellation is due to a serious injury or verifiable death in the immediate family of the Client. A Client canceling their engagement by telephone must also submit the cancellation in writing (via dated email).
In no event shall the Service Provider, and/or all agents on behalf of the Amazing Images Photo Booth, service provider, be held liable for any personal injury, property damage, or subjective performance-related complaints or for any other mishaps occurring at the function that are directly or indirectly the fault and/or responsibility of the service, act, or equipment. The Client will assume liability and cost if equipment used by the service provider is damaged by the Client and/or guests. Client will incur the cost of additional insurance requirements.
Model Release Option
The Client agrees to, and understands the following: All guests receiving services from the service provider give the right and permission to copyright and use, photographic portraits, pictures or videos that may be included intact or in part, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose. In addition I, the Client, hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Amazing Images Photo Booth LLC from any liability, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy. If you do not agree, please copy and paste this Model Release Option and send in an email (include your name and event date) to events@amazingimagesphotobooth.com at the time of booking and deposit.